Jan Voosholz
Managing Director of Research of the International Centre for Philosophy
Research Associate at the Chair for Epistemology, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy
Member of the CST
Curriculum Vitae
PDF version available in English.
Visit Jan Voosholz's profiles on Academia and Researchgate.
Lectures and Seminars
The courses of the winter semester 2024/2025 are available on Basis.
Jan Voosholz is one of the liaison lecturers at the Institute of Philosophy.
His open office hours take place on Mondays from 3 to 4 pm or by appointment, either in person at the IZPH or online. Bookings are requested, and individual consultations can also be arranged by e-mail. In case of urgent problems, you can visit during open office hours without prior notice.
Areas of Expertise in Teaching and Research
Areas of Specialisation
Ontology and Metaphysics (New and speculative Realismus, realism-antirealism debates, naturalism, causality, modality, philosophy of time, classical modern, postanalytic,
poststructuralist and feminist approaches)
Philosophy of science (classical analytic, general philosophy of science, theories of causality and emergence, discourse-analytical, feminist and decolonial critiques of science, structural realism, history and philosophy of physics, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of artificial intelligence)
Areas of Competence
Epistemology (ancient, early modern and modern skepticism, naturalism, Wittgenstein, logical positivism and empiricism, problem of induction, theories of truth, socio-cultural
constitution of knowledge)
Contact Information
Work Address at the CST
University of Bonn
Institute of Philosophy
Center for Science and Thought
Contact Information
+49 (0)228/73-54019
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3, 53227 Bonn
Room: 2.001
Work Address at the IZPH
University of Bonn
Institute of Philosophy
International Center for Philosophy
Contact Information
+49 (0)228/73-62042
Poppelsdorfer Allee 28, 53115 Bonn: Room 2.005