14. June 2022

Workshop: "The Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence: Historical, Comparative, and Critical Perspectives" Conference: "The Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence: Historical, Comparative, and Critical Perspectives"

Organized by Apolline Taillandier, the workshop "The Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence: Historical, Comparative, and Critical Perspectives" will be held from the 23th till the 24th of June at the Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn, Germany.

The aim of this workshop is to contribute to the global study of artificial intelligence (AI) from the postwar to the present. It will bring together intellectual historians, political theorists, and sociologists in order to investigate the political theories and world  order visions conveyed by historical and present-day AI technologies; to compare them across contexts; and to reflect on the challenges raised by such comparisons.

The workshop will, firstly, explore narratives  about technological development and regulation across geographical,  social, cultural, and historical contexts, tracing the variety of political concepts and languages informing them; and, secondly, help clarify the conceptual, historical, and sociological features of dominant AI discourses and contestations. The workshop will contribute to scholarship on technology and international though, and on the political and moral implications of AI.

For further information, please write to taillandier@uni-bonn.de

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